Saturday, February 5, 2011

last minute post

Nooooo I'm late!

Recovering from last night.

PS : There is an empty can of PBR on my night stand.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tonight, I feel like...

Tonight I feel like doing some photography
Tonight I feel like shooting people drunk drawing at the 3ward
Tonight I also feel like doing nothing
Tonight I feel like going to a show and doing some photography while I'm enjoying the music or not
Tonight I feel like I could be somebody
Tonight I feel like I could have been someone
Tonight I feel like I should do something
Tonight I feel like you know...
Tonight I feel like knitting gloves that match with my scarf
Tonight I feel like I am a princess wearing a purplish dress and a heavy golden crown pinned on my head
Tonight I feel like I could write a thousand pages book only starting with this quote.

Tonight I did not feel to BLOG, I only want to feel.
Feel free to visit me tomorrow, maybe you would find out what I ended up doing tonight.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BB part 2

I did happen!

I was not offered a sit in the train but worse.

This morning, I took baby Tildie to her ballet class.
As soon as I arrived, I ran into one of the woman that works for the place.
So listen to this:
Her : Hi, I recognized you! How are you?
Me smiling and out of my breath (we were late): Hi!
Me thinking and not speaking out loud : Is she dumb or what? We saw each other every weeks and we had spent chatting an half hour together yesterday, I took Tildie's sister to her ballet class. Well it is America and every body is so, you know.
Her while I was trying to take my coat and all sort of warmers off : Congratulations! An another baby! I noticed it!
Me grinning :

Me taking T's stuff and hurrying in the class room:

Me thinking : What the hell! What the hell!

Conclusion : Yes, she is dumb because she still hasn't realized that I am not her mother. And, I still can not that it really happened.

Me writing this and drinking my third beer : I hate my life and I do not want to buy new pants.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today, this about my BB, pronounced "baybay", a sweet nickname for my belly, ok big belly, beer belly. And twisted pun that could be understood by those whose knows a little bit of french.

I look 4 months pregnant, oui, it is sad if you got the bad french joke.

We are the 1st of February, I'm sorry BB, we have to split up. I do love you, you've been keeping me warm these days, helping me to face this miserable weather but enough.
March is getting closer, meaning the spring and warmer temperatures, so I will have to storage my giant jackets, sweaters &co. I wont be able to hide you any longer and I can feel this thing coming, somebody is gonna offer me his seat in the train. Believe it or not, I truly believe that among all those MTA riders, some of them have still manners.

So briefly, my dear BB, you have to leave me alone. My back hurts and I can afford to replace all my wardrobe, size plus 2.

I'm going to Matchless. Please, behave yourself tonight and do not dare to tell me that you are craving for more beer and Mac&Cheese!

I will miss you but I also love those jeans that I bought only 3 months ago...